------------ Actual Comms Log with CEO of The Boondock Saints ---------
[ 2011.07.06 01:16:15 ] Aznwithbeard > hi u rang?
[ 2011.07.06 01:19:23 ] Aznwithbeard > which corp paid ya?
[ 2011.07.06 01:19:23 ] Regicyde > o7
[ 2011.07.06 01:19:30 ] Regicyde > for shame
[ 2011.07.06 01:19:36 ] Aznwithbeard > ?
[ 2011.07.06 01:19:38 ] Regicyde > discretion is a part of the contract
[ 2011.07.06 01:19:57 ] Regicyde > but they pay well
[ 2011.07.06 01:20:16 ] Aznwithbeard > wow shoulda just paid me 2 drop dec
[ 2011.07.06 01:20:45 ] Regicyde > would have been a viable coa
[ 2011.07.06 01:21:00 ] Regicyde > though I rarely see corps pay protection money
[ 2011.07.06 01:21:03 ] Regicyde > the smart ones anyway
[ 2011.07.06 01:21:39 ] Aznwithbeard > whatd they pay if u dont mind me asking?
[ 2011.07.06 01:22:09 ] Regicyde > weekly sum - with bonus per kill/pod and bonus when dec is dropped
[ 2011.07.06 01:22:18 ] Aznwithbeard > ahhhh
[ 2011.07.06 01:23:07 ] Regicyde > there is a blocade and harrassement sub para as well - but not additional sum for that activity
[ 2011.07.06 01:24:15 ] Aznwithbeard > that wont work well, will just jc lol
[ 2011.07.06 01:24:19 ] Aznwithbeard > u out here by urself good sir?
[ 2011.07.06 01:24:32 ] Regicyde > negative
[ 2011.07.06 01:24:48 ] Regicyde > though I'm the only one on the undock atm
[ 2011.07.06 01:24:55 ] Aznwithbeard > i know, i see ur drake
[ 2011.07.06 01:25:04 ] Aznwithbeard > figured id offer up a 1v1
[ 2011.07.06 01:25:06 ] Regicyde > god bless alts
[ 2011.07.06 01:25:14 ] Aznwithbeard > alt? nah, window in the CQ
[ 2011.07.06 01:25:20 ] Regicyde > lol
[ 2011.07.06 01:25:40 ] Aznwithbeard > was gunna offer u a friendly 1v1
[ 2011.07.06 01:26:18 ] Regicyde > apologies - but im not the duelling sort except inside my corp. I'm not in the habit of fighting fair
[ 2011.07.06 01:26:27 ] Aznwithbeard > haha fair enough
[ 2011.07.06 01:27:03 ] Aznwithbeard > u doin the neut rr thing?
[ 2011.07.06 01:36:40 ] Aznwithbeard > guess thats a yes
[ 2011.07.06 01:36:52 ] Regicyde > negative mate
[ 2011.07.06 01:36:52 ] Regicyde > sorry
[ 2011.07.06 01:36:56 ] Regicyde > we don't do neut rr
[ 2011.07.06 01:37:09 ] Regicyde > just seemed kind of unsporting
[ 2011.07.06 01:37:11 ] Regicyde > to be blunt
[ 2011.07.06 01:39:48 ] Aznwithbeard > well thats good
[ 2011.07.06 01:39:56 ] Aznwithbeard > i still cant take 2 ham drakes and a myrm
[ 2011.07.06 01:40:13 ] Regicyde > guess it depends how fast you think you can kill me
[ 2011.07.06 01:40:21 ] Aznwithbeard > ham drake? not fast enough
[ 2011.07.06 01:41:32 ] Aznwithbeard > suppose i could just try to split ya up between gates, but then im racing the clock on 3 high tanking ships, seems no fun,k specially when im bout to get a back rupb and watch hangover!
[ 2011.07.06 01:41:47 ] Aznwithbeard > + i wanna hassle miners, not orphanage. lol
[ 2011.07.06 01:42:23 ] Regicyde > got to hand it to the miners - hiring mercs is a viable course of action for them
[ 2011.07.06 01:42:33 ] Aznwithbeard > id definately agree.
[ 2011.07.06 01:42:36 ] Regicyde > I won't lie and say I'll 1v1 you
[ 2011.07.06 01:42:51 ] Regicyde > but we will follow you
[ 2011.07.06 01:42:54 ] Aznwithbeard > and thats honorable, will make sure to represent that in the blog.
[ 2011.07.06 01:43:30 ] Regicyde > no point in lying
[ 2011.07.06 01:43:41 ] Regicyde > professionalism goes a long way
[ 2011.07.06 01:44:02 ] Regicyde > you run a blog?
[ 2011.07.06 01:44:08 ] Regicyde > god bless strategic messaging
[ 2011.07.06 01:44:24 ] Aznwithbeard > link in bio
[ 2011.07.06 01:44:33 ] Aznwithbeard > strategic messaging?
[ 2011.07.06 01:45:00 ] Regicyde > sorry
[ 2011.07.06 01:45:05 ] Regicyde > fancy term for PR
[ 2011.07.06 01:45:12 ] Aznwithbeard > lol
[ 2011.07.06 01:45:24 ] Aznwithbeard > nah its mostly me ranting and some IC and idk wtf it is. lol
[ 2011.07.06 01:45:50 ] Regicyde > if you post my pic make sure its a good angle :)
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:11 ] Aznwithbeard > so like..... that angle?
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:12 ] Aznwithbeard > ^^
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:16 ] Regicyde > lol
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:29 ] Aznwithbeard > i know ur name from somewhere, u make a pvp vid?
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:35 ] Aznwithbeard > and whyd u kids leave orphanage?
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:36 ] Regicyde > Negative
[ 2011.07.06 01:46:51 ] Aznwithbeard > hmmm idk
[ 2011.07.06 01:47:01 ] Regicyde > we parted on great terms and maintain a healthy rapport with them. My lads and I wanted to go back into business for ourselves.
[ 2011.07.06 01:47:13 ] Aznwithbeard > gotcha, u in the merc contracts room?
[ 2011.07.06 01:48:29 ] Regicyde > I am
[ 2011.07.06 01:48:50 ] Aznwithbeard > maybe ive seen ya in there then. ran with noir for a lil while, hung out in that channel
[ 2011.07.06 01:48:54 ] Aznwithbeard > anyway man, bed time, 07
[ 2011.07.06 01:48:58 ] Regicyde > adios mate
[ 2011.07.06 01:49:06 ] Regicyde > I'd say good hunting, but that'd be counter-productive
Seems like a decent enough guy, not really worthy of a post, but I figured it seems that this war may be the most fun out of all my decs -